I would like explain my complete and utter disdain for "hipsters". The term is a complete misnomer for this rag-tag group of indie, counter-culture, progressive douches who deem themselves cool (now they say "deck" because the term "cool" has become too mainstream). These non-conformists, who ironically happen to all dress in similar fashion, can be spotted in any urban environment, wearing skinny jeans, horn rimmed glasses, riding a ten speed road bike, listening to a band you've probably never heard of (because if you have it wouldn't be "deck") while displaying additional "vintage" clothing recently bought at American Apparel or Urban Outfitters. Apparently their goal is to look like they spent $7 on their outfit at Goodwill when in reality they shelled out $217 at some corporate store. The men and women of this subculture group tend to have the same unkempt, asymmetric hair styles. While the men usually don some form of ironic mustache to accent their already halfwitted attire, the women who can't grow mustaches usually just grow hair in other places, like their arm pits. And if they aren't drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbion out of the can, they haven't fully conformed to hipsterdom quite yet. Oh, and they're all professional "photographers".
(Pictured: Conformity)
This effortless cool bohemian look these "forward thinkers" is anything but effortless. I'm guessing it takes the guys 20 minutes to fit into women's jeans. And I intentionally place the phrase "forward thinkers" in quotation marks to make a point: forward thinking doesn't come from the past. An entire generation actually did spawn a counter-culture, anti-materialistic literary movement with Jack Kerouac as it's personification. The real difference between the Beat Generation and these adulterated clones called "hipsters" is that the Beats actually produced something to define their generation. The words of Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs and Cassady created windows into the minds of these bohemian hedonists that exemplified their era. The Beats had principles and they stuck by them. Oh, and some of them actually were professional photographers, like Robert Frank.
(Pictured: What "cool" actually looks like)
Hipsters on the other hand, are the definition of ironic. Anti-materialistic group of trust-fund babies who shop at corporate clothing stores? Non-conformists who all look the same? Not understanding and misusing the term irony? Their entire existence is one big oxymoron. I'm not saying I agree with every viewpoint of the Beat generation, but I do have to respect their beatific integrity. I cannot say the same about hipsters.
1st: Obtain a high-security padlock, preferably one that cannot be cut with conventional tools.
2nd: Find an unsuspecting hipster with ear tunnels.
3rd: Lock the high-security padlock to the hipster's ear via the ear tunnel.
4th: Run away laughing hysterically.
5th: Go make yourself a Beer Float (previous post) in celebration of your courageous feat.
I can assure you im no Hipster! :P
You're right, the beatniks were way cooler( irony? )
Totally true. I read Kesey, Kerouac, Huxley and others books. Now there are many neo-beatniks, some of them trully comes from 60's, but tere are many new child-beatniks who smoke weed and try to looks like.. it is baaaad.
Anyway good art. Thanks :)
You can listen some psychedelic on my side.
When did they start using "deck"? Do they say "That's on deck" or "That's deck"? Because if it's "on deck" then they are stealing more stuff, this time nautical terms. Anyways, hipsters can go burn, my sister dated one for awhile, he was a total useless d-bag who whined about everything.
Ah i dislike hipsters.
I've always wanted to put a lock through a hipster's gauged out ears
That padlock plan is downright evil. Me likey.
agree with Triper.
I think you're making a very BROAD judgement and assuming all these sub-categories are the same.. I was with you in the first half, as these douchebags piss me off too, with their big glasses, or skinny jeans, and dressing like a girl, in boat shoes and a fucking wooly jumper etc.. but ear stretching is a very different sub-genre of fashion, and in no way categorises you to a specific section of people. I have one of my ears stretched, but if anything, I would not class myself as anything except someone into metal music, other than that I'm a fairly normal guy.. I wear cheap clothes and I don't really care about fashion. So before you have a go about Hipsters and the like, please, don't just lump everyone together. It's like old people complaining about "the youth"..
Bahahah. Hipsters make me laugh, even though i share some of their interests. It's just the mix of everything combined that define them...so funny.
A friend of mine did the padlock thing, was one of the funniest stories I've ever heard. He said the guy chased him for 3 blocks but wasn't able to catch my friend who was only jogging because the hipsters' pants were too tight! No one really knows how he got the padlock off.
... Are you a god?
Finally, someone whose loathing of Hipsters far outweighs my own. I respect you, good sir. You most certainly are "deck". :P
well I don't much like them
LMAO I love that you brought the beer floats into this. That made me laugh. Nice post. Yeah, pretty much ANYONE who likes things until they are mainstream annoys the hell out of me. I don't care if you dress a certain way because you like it, but if you do it because it's not cool...or because it's cool. I don't know how or why anyone could live like that.
I always want to do the paddlock ear thing
Eh, just the next social trend isn't it? I don't know if I hate it quite as much as "emo" but it's still pretty retarded.
Bwahaha, imagine putting a lock on someones ear...they would be SSSSOOOO screwed!!!
I don't know what to think about hipsters.
I guess its whatever. Cool story bro :)
Add a chain to the lock, would be even better.
As much as hipsters hate "bros," bro dogs, whathaveyou. A common sign of a bro is a tribal tattoo. Do hipsters realize that they take part in tribal body mods too? Everyone's a bro
The best way to deal with hipsters is to ignore them. They're just another non-conforming conformist group. Goths are more true to themselves.
Best rant I've seen in a while.
+1 follower for you.
Gaged ears without the ring in 'em look like buttholes.
I absolutely love the padlock idea. I'm definitely going to try it the next time I find someone with gaping big holes in their ear. ;)
I laughed at the idea with the padlock, well played.
I love that lock idea. GOtta try it sometime.
I have an eye for rants. And you sir, just had a nice rant.
Cool moustaches :)
these guys are so stupid that it hurts
Very interesting post, those kids sure are lame.
You say true, I say thankya.
damn i need those tight gay jeans haha
Oh god, the lock made me LOL. That would be hilarious.
I totally use the word Hipsters too much :P
I approve of these statements.
Good rant, I only wish I could grow a mustache... Ironically or not.
Sweet lord, I agree SO much. If you want some fantastic Hipster viewing, I suggest going to Portland, OR. This is, as far as I'm concerned, a level 9 infestation of hipsters. God do I hate them.
I was hating on hipsters before it was cool.
Personally, I've always held a grudge against them because they tend to not contribute anything to society...and they're proud of it. That irks me to no end.
i have a sister who is a total hipster, with the glaring and glorious exception that she is one of the unique people hipsters WISH they were, and aspire to be. She sets trends by accident, just by living a good life, and these morons follow the example of strong individuals like her, like little cultural cockroaches with ugly skinny jeaned stick legs.
Omg that pic with ear tunnel makes me want to rip it off!
That ear stretcher is disgusting lmao!
Thank you for the hit against hipsters. It is true, ear tunnels or spacers are not a new or trendy thing, and have been around for thousands of years. The only difference is they were never popular in Western culture, but have always been popular in African culture.
PBR + American Eagles. Say no more.
Love the gauges
padlock to the ear = ftw
wow that padlock really is the real deal lol
yes i do agree that hipsters are tw@s just looking for attention and shit, but just because some people dress like this doesn't make them a hipster as ear tunnels have been around for a while.
Seems like you should stay indoors with some computergames more
i read this blog before it became popular!!!
haha, i hate this ear gauges and tunnels, don't like piercings either
couldn't agree with you more
With padlock u'll never lose ur ear! 8D
I actually saw i guy with a quite big padlock, and i really have no idea how the hell the whole thing didnt pain him half to death. And I think it was the same guy who was mentioned in a paper for having been in a fight, and of someone pulled it out; wothout opening ofc :S
ohhh that padlock thing would be EVIl. LOL
Can't stand hipsters. Some people I know with gauges aren't hipsters though. Most are however.
So I live in a very special city called Portland Oregon. I don't know if you've ever been to portland but...these motherfuckers are EVERYWHERE.
I try to go buy an iPod, the whole fucking store is run by them.
I go to my favorite dive bar during happy hour, harry women hogging the bar.
I can't drive anywhere without running these little shits over on their bikes.
sigh...ok I'm done raging.
Man, I really love how in depth you go with your blogging. Keep it up man.
"Hipster" has come to regard any young person who wears clothes. The word itself has become meaningless. Just call those people assholes.
Man I know what you mean, I keep seeing people like that every day.
I hate hipsters. gahhhh.
eugh hipsters
I saw the most stereotypical hipster of all time the other day. I still laugh when I think about him. These modern guys have got nothing on the beatniks - they just wish they did.
It's weird to think about how all the groups today are seen as just huge groups of conformists. Where is the true originality coming from then?
Hipsters make me rage, who honestly thinks what they listen to and wear was a good idea?
That padlock idea is hilarious! I dont know if i will ever have the guts to do it, but I will definitely get some padlocks just in case!
They're slowly taking over.
I have now concluded that someone i know is a hipster....
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